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7 (Real) Talking To Camera Tips

I've got some bad news and some good news for you today.

The bad news is, if you're trying to get better at talking to camera, almost NONE of the talking to camera ‘tips’ you'll find online will truly help.

Most of these tips are extremely surface layer, such as simply 'making more eye contact' and 'not saying UM' - which are definitely good things to do...

...but they don't magically turn you into a confident and authentic communicator.

However - not all hope is lost - I've personally gone from being terrible at talking to camera... being able to express myself comfortably and communicate confidently on camera, and have now used those skills to be a full time content creator for the last 7 years.

So you might be wondering if you can do the same, and how you can actually talk to camera in an authentic and engaging way.

And you're in luck, because I've learned the hard way, and now know what actually works. If it helps to know I've also taught 1000's of people around the world how to do the same through my YouTube vids and online course.

So the good news is that in this video I wanna share the key things that make a big difference - the things that I wish I knew when I started out.

I'm doing this because the lack of good advice online can be really confusing, and when you're struggling to talk to camera effectively, it can be really painful.

Not only are you faced with doing endless retakes because you can't get your words out right..

But also in a deeper sense, you're looking at a true reflection of yourself - and if you don't like how you look, sound or communicate, it feels like shit.

All of a sudden this 'content creator' dream feels very far away, and it's very easy to give up.

With that said, let’s get into

7 REAL ‘Talking To Camera’ Tips.

1) The Growth Mindset

Let me just set the stage here if you're new to the Portal Creative Journal.

The fastest way to make profound changes to your talking to camera ability is to make 'practise' videos.

This knowledge alone can change everything.

With each video you can work on different aspects of yourself, that result in improved communication skills and confidence both on and off camera.

This is fundamentally different to how most people approach this, and is also the difference between a growth mindset and a stagnant mindset.

So if you talk to camera and are struggling... it's NOT because you're not talented enough, or it's just 'not for you'.

It's because you haven't got the skills or experience yet. You've got work to do.

So let's start doing the work.

2) Output

Now that you’re practising… you'll have to get used to something called 'outputting'. And this makes your first few videos feel strange.

This is because instead of normal social interaction where you have a back and forth conversation...

You're talking 'at' the camera, for 5-10 minutes straight. A lot of people will never have talked for 10 minutes straight in their life.

Think about it. If you've barely talked for that long all at once in your life, how can you expect yourself to nail a perfect take to camera first time?

In people's first videos, after they talk for 1-2 minutes and introduce themselves etc... there will often come a pause where they second guess themselves. A weird sensation takes hold, like - what am I doing... what do I say now... alright... just keep talking... ok, um, APPLE's... are my favourite fruit... etc.

This is totally normal and a good phase to experience and push through. Just think of it as 'outputting'.

Outputting itself is a skillset, which you can work on with practise.

A key here is to 'output with confidence'. Most people are uncomfortable with this because of societal conditioning such as, 'don't talk too much' or fear of being that annoying person who doesn't stop talking.

But luckily, when talking to camera... you can talk as much as you like! Especially when practising - the more the better.

So when you're outputting, practise placing trust in whatever you're saying.

Even if it doesn't make any sense. Confidence builds with practise, so practise totally trusting what you're saying whilst you're outputting.

The caveat here, is that it's much easier to trust in what you're saying if it comes from an authentic place.

Which brings us onto Tip 3:

3) Discover 'the mask'

Now you need to start paying attention to what feels authentic when you communicate, and what doesn't.

With each video that you make, you'll discover a mask or persona that you habitually talk through.

For some, who are fairly authentic already, will experience pieces of their mask in the form of ticks or habits that present moments of inauthenticity that they can try to erase from their communication.

For others, this mask might be thick. It might be their entire communication experience. And finding moments of authenticity will be novel. Breaking down the mask will take longer.

Finding these moments of authenticity is key. You're going to try and spend more and more time in these moments and navigate this sometimes challenging but incredibly rewarding space.

This is something our members often experience around Week 2 & 3 inside the 30 Day Talking To Camera Challenge, which you can check out here.

4) Become transparent

A further tip for discovering a more authentic way of communicating is to think about simply being more transparent.

A mistake that people often make is that they think they have to become more to be authentic. Like some kind of exaggerated, heart-felt, charismatic kind of authentic persona.

But ultimately this is just creating another mask.

So instead, think: Could I be more transparent? Both in what I'm saying and how I'm saying it?

Yes this can be a deep inner work process that's hard and full of obstacles...

But sometimes breakthroughs can happen by simply 'giving up' and letting your inner self show.

And by giving up, I mean that it's so much less effort to truly be yourself and be transparent. Keeping the mask on actually takes a lot of work. Allow yourself to relax.

So allow yourself to relax. LAZY people want to be authentic, simply because it's so much less effort, more rewarding and more connecting, than being inauthentic.

5) Emotion = Authenticity

Being able to express emotion is KEY to talking on camera effectively.

This is because emotion is the root behind authenticity.

Blocking / not showing emotion is inauthentic.

Showing / channeling emotion is authentic.

That's a simplified equation but it can be incredibly useful. A useful exercise here would be to create a 5-10 minute video exploring a specific emotion. Try to feel it whilst talking and channel it towards the camera. A LOT can be unlocked by trying this.

6) Expand Your Comfort Zone

A funny think that can happen after a couple of weeks of talking to camera is that you might become so authentic and relaxed, that you box yourself into this sort of 'grounded' persona.

This is great, but ultimately we want to be dynamic communicators. To be chill when we want, but also to express boldly, loudly, quietly, intensely, when we want, also.

Otherwise, you're still pretty limited.

So, push your on-camera comfort zone. You’ve now gotten comfortable. Push it. Experiment with laughing (even if at first it feels fake), smiling, putting in MORE emotion, etc. etc.

7) Go Deep

If you’re serious about becoming more authentic, use your talking to camera journey as a deep self journal or self-therapy. You can use talking to camera to become much more authentic throughout your entire life.

If you want to dive deeper into talking to camera confidently and authentically, join us inside the 30 Day Challenge and start working towards creating meaning development and change, internally and externally.

Who is Thomas Norman?

‍I am a musician, filmmaker and entrepreneur. I am passionate in helping creatives become actualised through their life and work.

When you're ready, here's how I can help you:

The 30 Day Talking To Camera Challenge

Break through the awkwardness barrier, and communicate with authenticity, confidence and enthusiasm on camera. Everything you need to drastically improve your speaking ability and make an impressive transformation.

Enroll Today