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Do this for 3 min, Talk To Camera 3x Better

If you're anything like I used to be, talking to camera is HARD.

When you set up your camera - tripod and lens staring into your soul - it somehow manages to bring out the worst of you.

You become your MOST awkward self, and you can't even seem to form coherent sentences.

This is super frustrating because you know you have so much to share.

Ideas, concepts, inspiration, advice, experiences, creativity...

...but when it comes down to actually expressing it, you're simply blocked.

Now as you know, at Portal Creative we've created a talking to camera learning system that is proven to improve how you talk to camera dramatically in just 30 days.

HOWEVER. Today I want to give you a big (and quick) win, for free.

You need to feel how well this stuff works before your believe it!

So here's an optimal 'state boosting' sequence that'll enable you to talk to camera with more presence, charisma and flow, in literally 3 minutes.


No matter when, where, or how you talk to camera, you're at the mercy of the 'state' that you're in.

Are you in an anxious, closed state? You're going to communicate awkwardly, and, well, anxiously.

Are you in a relaxed, present state? You're going to communicate from a relaxed place in a flowy state of presence that allow you to express yourself fluently and comfortably.

The good news, is that you can change your state in a matter of minutes. So I want you to try the following, and then talk to camera immediately afterwards, and feel the difference.


Set a timer for 3 minutes, and do each exercise for 1 minute each, until the 3 minutes is up.


Take deep, powerful breaths: in for 4 seconds, holding-in for 4 seconds, out for 4 seconds, holding-out for 4 seconds. Do this for 1 minute


Shake and vibrate your body by shaking your limbs and making small jumps. Feel the different parts of your body wake up and start to energise. Do this for the entire 1 minute, especially if you don't feel like it.


Stretch and expand your chest by holding your arms out wide. Now breathe in deep, and breathe out on a deep hum. Feel the hum resonate in your chest, throat, belly and even face. Practise 'moving' the hum around your body, opening and expanding your voice. Repeat for the final minute.

Now press record, talk to camera, and notice the difference.

Inside the 30 Day Talking To Challenge, state exercises such as these help lay the foundation of communicating with confidence. But there's so much more to learn. Come join us and start your journey today - our members can't wait to meet ya!



Who is Thomas Norman?

‍I am a musician, filmmaker and entrepreneur. I am passionate in helping creatives become actualised through their life and work.

When you're ready, here's how I can help you:

The 30 Day Talking To Camera Challenge

Break through the awkwardness barrier, and communicate with authenticity, confidence and enthusiasm on camera. Everything you need to drastically improve your speaking ability and make an impressive transformation.

Enroll Today