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The Real Secret To On Camera Charisma

Your ability to communicate with authenticity, confidence, charisma and fluency on camera is everything if you want to create successfully on YouTube.

In this newsletter we're going to cover:

  • The mind secret that the top 1% creators use to become charismatic and confident on camera
  • How you can apply this to permanently gain on-camera confidence
  • And how you can use this build a loyal following who watch and buy

This is the very same technique I used to go from not being able to string a sentence together on camera, to travelling the world as a full time content creator for a few years, and now running a 6 figure online education business - all from Youtube.

Part I: The Top 1% Creators

If you're here, you've likely been watching videos on YouTube for years, and you have your favourite creators.

And the way they present their ideas and knowledge on camera is compelling and engaging.

The way they talk and relate to you on the other side of the screen, feels personable as if they're talking to friend. They're completely themselves.

They make it look effortless - and you have a voice inside, saying - 'I want to do this too.'

So you grab a camera or smartphone and start talking to it.

And you realise… this isn't as easy as they make it look.

In fact. This is almost impossible.  

Trying to string a coherent sentence together is hard enough, let alone making an engaging 10 minute video.

As you're talking to the camera about your topic, it just feels super awkward.

You thought you have so much to say, but when you press record, it doesn't come out.

You can't think clearly.

And you find you develop all these strange verbals ticks and speaking habits, and you can't stop saying um, like, or kind of.

So where do you go now?

Well, back to YouTube of course. You type in something like:

'how to talk to camera'

You watch some tutorials with tips like 'have good eye contact' and 'make your voice resonant'…

And it helps… a bit. You try the tips out and it's made the surface layer of your communication slightly smoother. But that's about it. This still hasn't fixed the root of the issue.

So how are creators like Dan Koe, Ali Abdaal or Peter Mckinnon so authentic and fluent on camera?

And apply this to whoever your favourite creators are. You'll find it's hard to spot a common pattern because when you listen to them, they don't have much in common.

Dan Koe isn't necessarily charismatic, but he's authentic and you can feel his confidence right through the screen.  

Ali Abdaal has a relaxed, care free charm that somehow seems to balance out his sharp intelligence perfectly.

And Peter Mckinnon's passion and enthusiasm shines through more than almost anyone else on YouTube.

So it's not like they're all using a secret hand gesture or vocal intonation. And it's not like they all attended some secret elite communication school.

So how are they doing this? And why are you still stuck, literally unable to get your words out?

What is in between where you are now, and where you want to be?

Part II: The Hidden Secret

The way top creators communicate so effectively is almost entirely down to their mind.

Their minds are operating at a certain level, state and frequency that allows for confident body language, flow state communication and emotional resonance.

At this point you could say - "Thomas bro, this isn't their mind. It's purely due to their life situation. I would be charismatic like Ali Abdaal if I had 6,000,000 subscribers. Or Dan Koe is confident because he's making over $2,000,000 a year."

But Dan didn't start out making $2,000,000 a year. He started out making $0 per year. And Ali didn't start having having 6,000,000 subscribers. He started out with 0 subscribers.

This isn't a chicken or the egg debate. What started first was their mind - their mindset - and after, came the results.

The problem is that most people DON'T have their mind on their side. And what I mean by that more specifically, is that they don't have their subconscious mind on their side.

This means, sure, you can mentally have a goal that you've written down, but your subconscious mind has it's conditioning and scripts that are from society and your parents etc. and are often either stagnant or even go against your goal. So you're pulling yourself in two directions.

You're like an ancient ship. And you conscious mind is the captain that says - go that way! And your subconscious mind is the crew, who are rowing backwards in the opposite direction.

Instead you need to prime your subconscious, so you can get your entire mind and body on your side.

And when your subconscious is on your side, everything changes. Rather than operating like an ancient ship battling with stormy seas and a disobedient crew, you become like a missile with a pre-programmed coordinate as it's trajectory, headed towards your target directly and efficiently.

So why does this happen?

Reality is vast, and completely beyond our comprehension. We’re surrounded by so many details every day that if our brains took all of it in, we’d be so overwhelmed that we couldn’t function:

This is reality

So instead, our brain filters sensory information and directs attention to what we focus on. This is known as selective attention - a process studied extensively in cognitive psychology:

But this is what you see

An extreme example of this is a tourist walking through a grand square of a new city. Their brains are selectively paying attention to both the magnificent architecture and nice restaurants they could eat at.

In exactly that same square, a homeless man’s brain is selectively paying attention to the cigarette someone just flicked on the floor, and the police who are eyeing him suspiciously.

This illustrates how everyone's individual realities are VERY different, depending on how their mind is operating. Even if two people are in exactly the same time and place.

When you focus your entire mind - not just your conscious mind - on a goal, you start seeing opportunities that you didn't see before. Your brain even starts getting you to behave in ways that are optimal to achieve your goal.

The crazy thing here is that if you instead focus on worry, and bad potential outcomes, your energy gets drained and directed towards those very things you’re fixated on avoiding:

Our brains are wired to see problems and fears

This is why mindset is the 80/20 of content creation. Your conscious and subconscious mind are constantly creating the life you have before you. Making decisions throughout the day that shape who you are and where you are.

If you tap into and live through the right mindset, you'll be making optimal decisions and seeing opportunities that someone with a suboptimal mindset would literally be BLIND to.

But how does mindset specifically affect how you come across on camera?

So let's just go back to something I said.

Top creator's minds are operating at a certain level, state and frequency that allows for confident body language, flow state communication and emotional resonance.

This presents a fundamental shift in the way that we think about how to communicate.

Rather than adjusting outwards behaviours to make us look more confident, and then hoping that the results eventually make us genuinely feel more confident…

Instead, we can adjust our mindset, which will make us feel genuine confidence, which reflects on all of our outwards behaviours.

As Olivia Cabane states in the book 'The Charisma Myth'

"[Mindset]… can help you increase your internal feeling of confidence as well as your ability to project it. Just by using the right mental images, your subconscious mind will send a remarkable chain reaction of confidence signals cascading through your body"

To further illustrate this, we can look to the field of method acting, this is an approach that Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper, Joaquin Phoenix, Christian Bale, Nathalie Portman, and Daniel Day Lewis have used to massive success.

As Olivia goes onto say:

Method acting embodies the concept of visualization. By vividly imagining themselves in the circumstances of their characters, method actors activate the same neural pathways and physiological responses as if they were truly experiencing those events. This practice not only enhances their believability but also serves as a reminder of the power of visualization for creating authentic, charismatic presence in real life.

I'm not saying that you need to act or become a character. Quite the opposite actually. You just need to align your thoughts, feelings, mind and body with the creator you desire to be.

Part III: Application

Now, there are multitudes of ways to adjust your mindset. It's a very broad term. From affirmations, to therapy, all the way through to gaining specific real world experiences.

Probably the single most effective tool to prime your subconscious and mindset as a content creator is visualisation.

This is because:

1. Taps into the Reticular Activating System (RAS)

The RAS is a network of neurons in the brain that filters sensory information and prioritizes what deserves attention. When you visualize a goal or desired outcome, your subconscious begins to treat it as important.

for example: If you visualize becoming the content creator you want to be, you’re more likely to spot the video ideas, collaborations or opportunities you need to get there:

Visualisation FOCUSES your reality on what you want

2. Enhances Emotional Resonance

The subconscious is driven by emotions. To be able to prime the subconscious to support you in your goals - so you can be more like the missile and less like the rickety ship - you need to speak to it on an emotional level.

Visualisation is a great way to do this, because you can use your visualisations to  feel specific emotions like peace, relief and triumph in association with your goals. This is the key to make this work.

So visualisation can be used for on camera charisma in 2 very specific ways:

Directly, and Indirectly.


You can directly visualise for an immediate camera charisma boost.

Here you would:

Step 1: See It

  • Close your eyes and vividly imagine someone watching your video.
  • See all the details. The crinkles in their eyes are they smile. The inspiration they feel.

Step 2: Feel It

  • As you visualize, tune into the positive emotions: confidence, excitement, and joy.
  • Imagine the pride and satisfaction of being able to connect with your audience. Visualize them reacting positively: nodding, laughing, or leaving encouraging comments. Feel it
  • Feel how good it feels to be able to talk fluently and authentically.

Step 3: Be It

  • Before you record, step into your imagined persona by aligning your actions with your vision.
  • When filming, focus on this feeling that you captured before.


OR you can use visualisation indirectly to develop a clear vision for what you want and have a goal that you're moving towards, becoming the version of yourself which is necessary to achieve that goal.

Which, if that goal includes content creation, would prime and organise your mind and body to talk to camera charismatically with less effort, as a knock-on effect:

A clearly visualised goal becomes a magnet for skills, knowledge and opportunities

Here you would:

Step 1: See It

  • Close your eyes and vividly imagine your end result. Either the content creator you want to be, or literally the house you want to buy on the other side.

Step 2: Feel It

  • As you visualize, tune into the emotions of peace, relief. Allow yourself to feel that energy. You're already there.

Step 3: Be It

  • Before you record, step into that reality.

When I started out in online business and YouTube I used visualisation to go from some kid who dropped our of university who lived with his parents, to creating an online community that allowed him to travel the world, working on creative projects he loved.

I saw this vision and felt it deeply whilst I was in my bedroom. BEFORE it happened.

And by having the end result in mind, it also had trickle down effects to how I came across on camera, and my vibe.

I was able to build an audience on YouTube because:

People want to follow others who know where they're going. This is one of the single most powerful ways to attract an audience. Be going somewhere. Have clarity. Have a vision.

When you use visualisation to develop and live through that mission, not only will it positively affect how you come across on camera, but it'll positively affect almost every area of your life.

Check out our 30 Day Talking To Camera Challenge to transform your communication skills today.

Who is Thomas Norman?

‍I am a musician, filmmaker and entrepreneur. I am passionate in helping creatives become actualised through their life and work.

When you're ready, here's how I can help you:

The 30 Day Talking To Camera Challenge

Break through the awkwardness barrier, and communicate with authenticity, confidence and enthusiasm on camera. Everything you need to drastically improve your speaking ability and make an impressive transformation.

Enroll Today